UNITE is a four-week summer program for high school students who are considering careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The Alabama State University UNITE curriculum is designed to prepare high school sophomores for promising careers in various STEM industries. Selected students will participate in course assignments, enrichment activities, field excursions and on-site visits to various STEM related entities while learning about career opportunities in STEM fields and working on developing the academic and personal skills necessary to prepare for collegiate study.

Qualified applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for the program:
Submit a completed application
Have a 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
Submit a letter of recommendation from the principal and 1 teacher at their current school
Submit standardized test scores from current school
Submit a brief essay explaining their interest in STEM, familiarity with the careers in STEM, interest in STEM disciplines, an explanation of why they wish to participate in the program and how it can assist in meeting their career goals.
A screening committee composed of university faculty, staff, and representatives from the schools will review applications and select fifteen (15) students for the program.